Mother Me! By Donnetta Norris
Teenage mom – young and naïve
Still a child, herself
Relying on the family
Who cared for us both.
High School Graduate
Air Force Service
Making the best of
An unplanned situation.
Young grandmother – wisdom, her crown
A blessing to us all
Caring for a new born
As if she were her own
Leave of absence
Full-time Nan-Nan
Making the most of
An unplanned situation
In my life, I have been mothered by two moms, three if you count my
Mama and Nan-Nan did everything they knew to care for and love me.
They raised me to respect myself and others, to keep my pants up and
my dress down, and to beat a fail with a try.
Their love and support gave me the confidence to believe I could do anything.
Though I may have been unplanned, the way they mothered me proved
I was never unwanted.